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The Thomasian Believers

the Thomasian believers - everythinggospelmedia.blogspot.com

[The Other Disciples Therefore Said Unto Him, We Have Seen The Lord. But He Said Unto Them, Except I Shall See In His Hands The Print Of The Nails, And Put My Finger Into The Print Of The Nails And Thrust My Hand Into His Side, I Will Not Believe] John 20:25

There are many Christians today that are staunch students of the Thomas school of thought.

These people have a strong, deliberate attitude of never believing anything except they see it physically and in person with outward demonstrations.

It is this set of people that make deliverance ministers always want their subjects to tumble, roll, perform all kinds of physical stunts and eventually fall down to prove that they are delivered.

It is almost useless and a waste of time & energy, trying to convince these guys without bringing tangible evidence.

No matter what you say do or say, these guys have made up their minds never to believe anything except they see it materialise.

This sect is what we refer to as The Thomasian Christians.

Nevertheless Jesus Christ in John 20:29 has something to say to these people. He says "Blessed Are They That Have Not Seen And Yet Believed"

Dear friend, the blessedness comes with believing when you haven't seen. I mean, where's sweetness in waiting till you see before believing.

It is okay to want to experience the fire, earthquake, wind and every other outward manifestation but remember that there's the still small voice as well.

Most times in church, we sometimes expect to see people shouting, jumping, summersault cry and do such things in order to know that there's the move of the Holy Spirit in our midst. Whilst all that is okay, we need to also note the fact that there's the *Be Still And See What The Lord Will Do* part

According to Christ, those who haven't seen and yet believed are rated higher than those who want to see first before believing.

Where do you fall into?

Are you a Thomasian believer or a faith filled believer?

Remember, without faith it is impossible to please God.

Let me stop here.

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